Uncertainty can be happiness

"Security is a false god," or running around the world as an FSO

Talking my way to Korea

Posted by quirksalight on December 7, 2007

This morning was my interview with the S. Korean embassy for the EPIK position. It went well; the interviewer was pretty confident that I would get an offer, but he couldn’t promise that, as the final decision is made my the EPIK committee in Korea.
I wasn’t sure what kind of questions to expect when I went there, and the interview was more of a getting to know you type conversation then a formal interview. I did the get ones I expected, such as: How long do you want to stay in Korea? If given a situation A as a teacher, what would you do? Where do you want to be in Korea? What subjects have you taught?
The last one was amusing; the interviewer stopped me in the middle of my answer to say that this question was more for his own sake than as a part of the interview, as his son needed help in AP Chemistry (which is one of the subjects I am currently tutoring). And no, he didn’t offer me a tutoring job for his son.
At the end of the interview, he also mentioned that being a Korean-American will work in my favor in the decision making and more than offset my lack of any teaching certifications. Now, more waiting. [twiddling thumbs]

Oh, after Incheon, my 2nd and 3rd choice locations were Daejeon and Busan, respectively.

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